Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween Without Candy

Dateline: Tompkins Scare Park
Katie Rolnick, reporter
Vincent Rossmeier, producer

What do healthy eating, TV celebrity Dr. Oz, 80s hip hop artist Melle Mel, and zombies have in common? We may never know.



Clarisse said...

No houses were giving out virgin brains in my neighborhood! Good job, guys--I'm so glad we get a chance to listen to it. But I'm a bit disturbed that even Halloween isn't safe from...healthies...anymore.

BradKlein said...

Your story brought a smile to my face, in part, because of a moment toward the beginning when the event organizer uses, or maybe coins, the word, ‘spectation’. Actually, ‘spectate’ does seem to be a semi-accepted back-formation derived from ‘spectator’. So spectation could reasonably be the right noun for the speaker’s phrase, “participation over spectation”.

Working in radio for many years, I’ve always enjoyed the moment when the subject of an interview, straining for the right word, comes up with some surprising choice that nonetheless conveys just the right meaning. Back when I cut tape for NPR News shows, I used to save examples on a reel set aside for that purpose. Unfortunately I never got around to putting something together on the subject.

As for squeezing ‘perspicacity’ AND ‘temerity’ into her sound bites as well… I suppose those kids learned to Eat Healthy AND increase their vocabularies, too.

Karen Shimizu said...

I love how the zombies mug for the microphone. GNAGHNAHNAHGNAHNAH!